Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

Olive oil is a staple in kitchens worldwide, but not all olive oils are created equal. Understanding the distinctions between regular olive oil and organic extra virgin olive oil is key to choosing a product that best aligns with your taste, health priorities, and environmental values. What is Olive Oil? Olive oil is extracted from olives through a process that can vary greatly depending on the quality of the final product. Typically, olive oil can range from refined to unrefined: Refined Olive Oil - Refined olive oil undergoes extensive processing and refining, often using chemicals to neutralize strong flavors and extend shelf life. This process can strip away many of

As the 2024 olive harvest season approaches, it's time to secure your supply of Tenuta Le Mandorlaie's organic extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Grown in the heart of Maremma, Tuscany, our olive trees thrive in the unique combination of Mediterranean sun, rich soil, and fresh air that makes this region so special. Our EVOO is a testament to organic farming, sustainable practices, and the connection to nature that defines our estate. The Essence of Tenuta Le Mandorlaie EVOO Our olive oil captures the true flavor of the Maremma region. Made from a carefully curated blend of native olive varieties, including Frantoio, Leccino, and Moraiolo, our EVOO is rich in taste

At Tenuta Le Mandorlaie, we are passionate about producing the finest organic extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), and we're thrilled to introduce it to new consumers. Our EVOO is a celebration of Maremma’s fertile land and our commitment to sustainable, organic farming practices. Our Organic Certificate A Symphony of Taste and Aroma Our organic extra virgin olive oil is known for its bold and vibrant flavor. Upon tasting, you'll notice a harmonious blend of fresh, grassy notes with a subtle peppery finish, making it the perfect complement to a wide variety of dishes. The oil carries a fruity richness, hinting at green olives, artichoke, and a touch of almond, offering a