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hubfarm tenuta le mandorlaie

HubFarm, drones, technologies, digital and FarmtoFork

hubfarm tenuta le mandorlaie tuscanyWe live in a world where producing food for the ever increasing population in a way that is sustainable and protects our environment has seen steps taken by governments all around the world to try to introduce ways to help farmers to increase food yield and decrease their carbon footprint, so what is HubFarm.

As a farmer, why invest in technology?

In all countries we start to see new programs and supported projects to assist farmers in making the most from the land that they work. Italy is definately focusing on creating opportunities for farmers to get access to the technological tools that will help all italian farmers, with the aid of support, grants and tax reductions when it comes to investments made into new technology applications.

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Through the use of new and exiting #HubFarm technologies, including those previously used for pleasure or for large business including #Satellites, #drones and #sensors which are now interconnected through the use of software and algorithms to work to assist farms in Italy.

What technology will we use to help us?

We look forward to implementing and HubFarm technologies on our farm to help us be more efficient, increase our yield, reduce our waste and usage of fuels while enhancing and protecting our soil. For a start we want to introduce our weather station, combines with IOT (Internet of Things) sensor arrays looking at humidity, rainfall and moisture content.

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The addition of sensors throughout our vineyard and also our olive groves will allow us to monitor more closely the conditions, and therefore act in order to prevent the spread of any diseases that thrive with certain conditions.

More agriculture 4.0 and hubfarm information can be found on the italia sturtup hubfarm page

Running the Farm estate of Mandorlaie is my full time job, ensuring that the grapevines, olive trees and vegetable garden is all healthy and producing excellent organic products for our clients. We produce Organic extra virgin Olive Oil and Organic wines which you can buy online.