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Beekeeping in Tuscany, during the seasons varies depending on your geographic location, climate, and the type of bees you are keeping. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you understand the beekeeping seasons and what you need to know, as we live with our bees in Maremma, Tuscany we learn more about the tasks that we work on throughout the year. Spring beekeeping work Spring is the most important season for beekeepers as it is the start of the annual honey bee cycle. In the spring, the queen bee begins to lay eggs, and the colony starts to grow rapidly. As the temperature warms up and the flowers

As part of ensuring that Tenuta Le Mandorlaie supported and grew the eco systems around our farm it was always my plan to add bee's to the farm in order to aid with pollination and to add another quality product to sell to our customers online and from our farm directly, the sale of Italian honey. I have been studying beekeeping online and reading as much as I can as well as talking to an italian beekeeper mentor who helpfully answered questions gave advise and with whom I could bounce ideas off for our new apiary. So it was early spring, I had ordered 3 hives, bee keeping suits