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best olive oil in italy

Best Olive oil in Italy?

best olive oil in italyAre you looking for the best olive oil in Italy? We know living in Maremma Tuscany that there are many farms around us producing incredible olive oils, all oils created are from trees in different soils, at different altitudes and from trees of different ages and olive types, so how is it possible to determine which is the best extra virgin olive oil in Italy?

The environment has a big impact on Olive Oil flavour’s and taste

Italy is a large country made up of plains near the sea, mountainous regions and hilly areas in between, because of this reason its possible to enjoy amazing olive oils from all over Italy, with the flavour coming from the land, the weather and the olive tree type and with so many differing components all adding up to create incredible oil there is an olive oil that all of us will enjoy.

See also  Why does Extra Virgin Olive Oil cost more than normal Olive Oil?

About Tenuta Le Mandorlaie olive oil

So, the question I am sometimes asked is why do you think your olive oil is the best olive oil in Italy! Firstly, we know our trees and our land, how it is maintained, that is organically managed and that we work hard to maintain the health of the trees under our care.

Secondly, it is the pride of working all year towards harvest time when we collect the beautiful olives and have them milled by a friend, who uses the vest best cold pressed machines available in Tuscany, giving us the very best product.

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Where can you buy our Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

If you are ready to enjoy cooking with, and using our olive oil on your food and enjoyed with your family, then if you are in Tuscany you can visit and buy our olive oil directly at our farm, if you are in another country, you can either buy olive oil online in our shop, or as is the case, from one of our country distributors, these can be found here.

Whichever way you get hold of our olive oil, we hope you enjoy the taste of what we think is the best olive oil in Italy.

See also  Why does Extra Virgin Olive Oil cost more than normal Olive Oil?

Our IGP Olive Oil Toscana products

Running the Farm estate of Mandorlaie is my full time job, ensuring that the grapevines, olive trees and vegetable garden is all healthy and producing excellent organic products for our clients. We produce Organic extra virgin Olive Oil and Organic wines which you can buy online.