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Alberami Carbon offsetting schemes and traditional Olive groves

potatura olive tenuta le mandorlaieI am sure that many of you have heard the term carbon offsetting, there are many phrases relating to this new industry that utilises existing soils, forests, trees, orchards and vineyards to document the carbon dioxide that these specific areas can extract and store for om our atmosphere, so lets get into an interesting project that assists in carbon offsetting and helping more businesses become carbon neutral.

We are all working towards reducing our carbon footprint, the amount of carbon released due to our activities, whether in the workplace, transport, vacations or when just living at home.

What is carbon offsetting, how does it work?

So what is carbon offsetting? Many large corporations are looking towards reducing their carbon footprint and becoming CO2 carbon neutral by utilizing an authorised and approved carbon offsetting scheme mechanism to buy or offset their carbon production and footprint by partnering with those who are actively working to lock in and reduce carbon dioxide through their farming practices.

These companies that are already working hard to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions and carbon footprints still sometimes fall short of reaching their C2 carbon neutrality and need to purchase carbon credits in order to reach the targets for their industry, which are normally set by their government agencies.

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Now lets talk about farmers and how they fit into the carbon offsetting scheme, this happens through selling their positive carbon balance, and for this they will receive fiscal benefits for each ton of carbon dioxide that their farm and its crops capture from the atmosphere.

How much is one carbon credit?

So we now know that carbon credits are singular but what exactly constitutes a carbon credit, well, put simply each ton of carbon secured by farming practices equals one carbon credit and this is what can be sold as a carbon credit to companies, through carbon offsetting networks and officially authorised carbon offsetting partners.

Why are Olive trees so good at capturing carbon dioxide?

Olive trees have the ability to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere then store it in the soil and in the tree through growth, organic farming practices increase the amount of carbon locked in and reduced, therefore it was seen as a great step forward to utilise the organic farms, and the traditional olive groves as part of the carbon offsetting market. The area of organic farming in Italy is growing, with many benefits both for the local environment and globally.

See also  Adopt an Olive Tree in Tuscany, help us plant new trees

Carbon offsettingAlberami, your carbon offsetting partner, using traditional olive groves

Alberami is a project in Italy that offers olive growers a fiscal return for their carbon credits created, the size of the traditionally planted groves, and whether it is organic or not, determines the amount of carbon credits created.

The registration process as a farmer includes detailing the size of the groves, the tree types and also the production value as well as how the oil is pressed, all this data goes towards ensuring that the carbon offset value is correct.

If you are interested in learning more about carbon offsetting schemes that utilise traditional olive groves, then get in contact with Alberami on Tel. +39 0832 1827840 Mob. +39 351 8214474 [email protected] or visit the alberami.it website

Running the Farm estate of Mandorlaie is my full time job, ensuring that the grapevines, olive trees and vegetable garden is all healthy and producing excellent organic products for our clients. We produce Organic extra virgin Olive Oil and Organic wines which you can buy online.